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Koenig's Eye View - June 21, 2024

Koenig’s Eye View

·      Israel Update

·      Election 2024: The Marketing of Untruth Part 1

Connecting the Dots

·      Israel Analysis: Underlying causes

·      Walking in peace amidst turmoil

·      Two plus two equals more meddling

·      Apostasy in the Church: Be careful where you send your children


·      Nasrallah's threats Israel-Cyprus defense cooperation

·      Biden stopped fast tracking US arms to Israel following pressure from Anti-Israel Democrats, GOP senator says


·      Survey of Cascadia Subduction Zone reveals subterranean structure

·      MONSTER RISES: China’s menacing nuclear-armed humpback submarine SURFACES near Taiwan as Xi ramps up nuke arsenal at blistering pace

·      Russia and North Korea sign partnership deal that appears to be the strongest since the Cold War

·      What’s known, and not known, about the partnership agreement signed by Russia and North Korea

·      China attacks on Philippine boats are to provoke US, prep for Taiwan war, experts warn


·      Chinese provocation could lead to a broader conflict if miscalculated: Top US diplomat

·      Rubio introduces bill to expose ‘Wealth and Corrupt Activities’ of CCP leaders

·      South Korea will consider supplying arms to Ukraine after Russia and North Korea sign strategic pact

Koenig’s Eye View

Israel Update

We are watching the situation very closely with Hezbollah.

It seems that war is inevitable.

The Times of Israel wrote, “Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held an assessment this evening on Lebanon with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, head of the Northern Command Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin, and head of the Israeli Air Force Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar.

Intel reports: JINSA: Hezbollah’s Escalation Threatens Full-Scale War - click here

To watch JINSA’s Gaza War update Webinar click here



Gallant huddles with IDF generals, reiterating heightened war preparedness

Republican senators accuse Biden admin of slow-rolling Israel aid

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warns Israel about the cost of a war in Lebanon

Nasrallah says ‘no place’ in Israel would be safe in war, threatens to target Cyprus

Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment

White House delays F-15 sale to Israel despite congressional OK

Risk of terror attack on US soil rises to alarmingly high level, experts warn

Alberto, season's first named tropical storm, dumps rain on Texas and Mexico


Election 2024: The Marketing of Untruth Part 1

By William Koenig with Emily Jourdan

The Covert Weakening

Christians believe in the Truth bound in the Holy Trinity that is preserved and brought to life through the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Anything else is a sin born in lies that advance the agenda of the father of lies. “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:9–10 KJV).

Today we are witnessing heavy spiritual warfare in America between God’s truth and the devil’s lies (Good vs. Evil). The growth and acceptance of sin have infiltrated every facet of our lives so much so that sin appears to be the rule rather than the exception. As with most humanly conceived notions, group think plays a big part. If something sinful becomes widely accepted, then that notion more easily gains speed like a snowball rolling rapidly downhill―in an avalanche into hell.

Our government today is run by politicians helping to create this bleak future for our nation and everyone who lives here. In an unprecedented pursuit of power, heads of institutions and elected officials have made great strides in their efforts to expel God from schools, home, work and life in general. These actions seem to indicate an overt blindness to God’s desire for our service to Him and to our fellow man that has permeated our political, economic and social structures on a direct path to self-serving greed and power. Even our churches are losing their biblical path:

This one-world religion . . . is the visible church which is characterized by increasing unbelief and apostasy . . . churches which call themselves “Christian.” There will be a falling away from the basic doctrines of Christ by the churches. Apostasy means an abandonment or desertion of principles of faith. . . . The visible church is no guarantee that it teaches and preaches the truth of God. . . . The teachings of the false leaders of the church will depart farther and farther form God’s Word.―Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth

Those of us who are true Christians endeavor to keep the faith and see God’s truth amidst growing idolatry and spiritual warfare, but the devil’s lies being played out on the world stage today are waging a mighty and rapidly intensifying battle against God’s truth here on this planet.

The upcoming 2024 election promises to play an integral part in the battle against good and evil: God and the silent majority of our mighty Judeo-Christian nation vs. the globalists and their one-world evil empire agenda being carried out by the U.S. government and other minions loyal to the antichrist (One World Religion). Note: If you can read only one of the linked articles noted this week, please read this one!

Encased in this pseudo one-world climate religion is a human agenda, not at all spiritually based on our God in heaven. This is a money-and-power game of control on earth: God or the globalists.

Accordingly, the earthly battle we have faced in more recent American elections is not one of political parties as it once was but rather a covert one between the people of this great nation against a self-serving, treasonous government whose lies remain unseen by the many nonbelievers and unrepentant sinners among us.

Standing silently by to prevent a repeat of 2020, God’s children are asking that He prevail in the upcoming election. Those who humbly serve God and follow His will are working to get people to the polls for Trump in November (Silent Majority Voters).

Though a flawed human being, Trump is possibly the only person who can save us from the burgeoning strength of the devil’s minions and the evil, alternate one-world religion referred to in the Bible. “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived” (Revelation 18:23 KJV).

Human acceptance of this alternate, evil lifestyle feels strange. It is created by the media’s censorship and non-stop propaganda as well as the unchallenged lies by our leaders. People in general have become complicit in the pursuit of this power and in the wishes of those who worship life’s untruths over God’s biblical truth on a daily basis (Biden's Bold-Faced Lies) (The Truth).

Forget about Republican or Democrat.

The upcoming political race in 2024 is about a spiritual battle between (1) those vying to increase the size or amount of their earthly power and (2) those who understand eternal life and endeavor to curb idol worship in favor of serving God and others.

Politics today pits earthly power squares sold to the highest bidder vs. eternal peace in heaven bought by the faith that Jesus Christ was resurrected only after suffering on the cross and dying to pay for our collective human sin. He just might have to come back very soon. Pride and sin on planet earth are on a slippery slope.

This tiresome, godless and anti-human agenda that is disguised as an “anti-racism/all-love” gig is not fooling God or those of us who abide in Him. We see “inclusion” that is really “exclusion” in the waning liberty, freedom and justice for all that this country was afforded under God (Power over the Law). If Trump is made to stand trial on 34 bogus charges of fraud, just imagine what the future holds for the average citizen if the government institutions under Biden and Marxist shadow president Barack Hussein Obama are left unchecked.

Sin, Untruth and the Politics of Today

The Trump trial is a sure indicator of where we are as a nation. The sin that attempts to push each and every one of us away from God could possibly be at such a level that the human race is unable to find its way back to God and the truth He sets out in the Bible.

Our individual ego-driven truths, largely contrary to God’s Word, are manipulations that push agendas in order to gain control over our lives and the world around us. As belief in the Bible’s purported lack of relevance becomes more accepted, it appears that humanity’s collective sin is affecting large-scale outcomes and sending earth’s inhabitants to the point of no return, engulfed by their own self-centered greed.

That self-centeredness found in ungodly emotions like fear and hatred causes a human being to depart from reality and engage instead in an alternate world perception governed by psychoses.

Worshiping self and untruth is akin to mental illness in that an individual believes that allowing his or her own needs, wants and desires to dwarf God’s is perfectly acceptable. As Christians, we are clear that lies to self can morph into an individual path that embodies sin in its lack of awareness of goodness, godliness and biblical truth. This unfortunate disconnection from God’s truth and reality on a mass scale leads to what we have today: the false, fake, engineered and very sinful world of agendas that cater to self, money, physical appearance and other idols.

God is not a fan of self-centered pursuits. As evidence, one has to look only at the unending evil pursuits by the left, who still can’t figure out that a supposed “win” without God is meaningless and a sure spot on the exhausting and unfulfilling hamster wheel of life. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26 KJV).

In the shadows of this spiritual blind spot, their evil pursuits never end. No matter how much of any earthly idol these power mongers have, more is always better in the absence of God.

Spiritual blindness is the reason that the politicians and the policies they concoct today seek to annihilate the constitutional balance of power and to destroy the history and values of our beautiful country. We now have open borders, and through the efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), it’s obvious that our leaders are courting attempts to nullify our sovereignty unbeknownst to taxpaying citizens who are footing the bill for this Marxist chicanery that also includes stripping us of our guns (Sovereignty and Guns at Stake).

In an effort to globalize our world with nation-nullifying “treaties” (Behind Closed Doors) that give away our medical rights as Americans and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) being orchestrated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through the BIS without the awareness or consent of a vast majority of Americans whose lives will be gravely affected (World Currency = End of Sovereignty), our nation is being “transformed” into something that doesn’t at all resemble our humble beginnings as a nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unbeknownst to most Americans, these forced manipulations of our American values and lifestyle may give the puppets in Congress something to do and temporarily satisfy the few in Davos who want more power, but the rest of us don’t benefit from their engineered and manufactured agendas that will soon end United States sovereignty, preempting the will of God in what is still a predominantly Judeo-Christian nation (Ordinary Voters Despised).

Americans today are witness to a marked decline in prosperity and a dwindling middle class (Dwindling Middle-Class). Under the Biden-Obama administrative state, the orchestrated economic mayhem and top-down control are hidden behind an appearance of socially conscious champions of the poor. With an “anything goes”/”God is dead” façade born by the devil himself, the fact that their promises are seemingly unattainable goes largely unnoticed even when they are destroying the very thing they promise to achieve.

For starters, there is clearly less economic equality than ever before and a widening gulf between rich and poor (Widening Gap: Rich and Poor).

The truth is that this type of social engineering does not increase functionality in America; rather, it increases non-reality in America―precisely their goal. The ultra-rich and their private island getaways being created behind the scenes seem to resemble the utopia in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged. The rich industrialists/techno-billionaires are disappearing as socialism by economic dictatorship sets in―all part of some sort of esoteric illusion.

Truth is under fire, because (1) the truth of their actions ends in global tyranny and (2) truth is the way Jesus Christ wins souls. He convicts by truth with a heavy dose of compassion (John 16:8–11), not by using people to propel sinful, power-hungry agendas and secret utopian escapes for the “haves.”

The current “administrative state” agenda fortified by lies at the highest levels is not in line with God’s plan. Our political leaders today in America seek their own followers instead of lighting the path to God. This administration could serve our nation’s people better by issuing Bibles, providing therapy vouchers and instituting job training rather than interfering in God’s plan for humanity by lying, cheating and stealing all of us blind without remorse or repentance.

God, please let the smoke and mirrors in all aspects of Election 2024―machines, candidates and future plans―be exposed as soon as possible. “Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion” (Psalm 109:29 KJV).

Election Year 2024: Truth Under Fire

Now more than ever, the level of sin is growing to a potential point of no return. God’s absolute truth vs. the devil’s lies are on the block for the upcoming election. The ongoing orchestration of policies that are self-willed, sinful, extremist nonsense serve only as a façade to hide the truth of what is really happening to the American people and our beautiful country.

We are being sold down a river to the highest bidder with military weakened, debt unsustainable, inflation out of control, poverty rising and energy unreliable and murderous (to marine mammals). In this complete mess that has been manufactured by self-interest and greed the world over, the only thing America needs right now is sustainable debt to prevent the financial collapse of our economic and banking systems. Unfortunately, that has been lost in talks of a “sustainable climate,” which the globalists and their leftist puppets in Congress both claim needs lots of money thrown at it. Indefinitely.

In the upside-down and backward perfection of where we are as a nation in a highly critical election year, truth is nowhere to be found.

The climate is clearly God’s domain, yet our politicians claim that it must be managed with inefficient “solutions” and expensive tax credits, which are likely code for money laundering.

The United States debt level, however, clearly is Congress’s domain, yet spending continues up to irrevocably damaging levels with claims in unison by uniparty “representatives” on both sides of the aisle that they are just not sure how it happened but that it can’t be avoided. Full stop.

Today’s political propaganda alleges that their job centers around social issues as well as vast, unverifiable and indefinite problems that need to be managed by an all-knowing, master-planned government that can no longer be bothered to hear the country’s truth through the voice of its people or imagine that the job of an elected official in a constitutional representative republic should in any way involve serving the citizens who gave them their jobs in the first place.

These are issues like climate change and green energy, which are vast and confusing at best for the average citizen, and the globalists know it. Key quality for these tyrants is that our government can be all-knowing, because there is no way for the average citizen to verify any of the claims about the climate or about any of the ancillary issues. The so-called net zero carbon mandates, for example, have been uncoincidentally infiltrating and suffocating big oil - an industry that is about as American as apple pie and Chevrolet and one that America has historically depended on for her strength.

Aha. The game begins to surface: globalist leftist darling, green energy, against America’s darling, big oil or “black gold,” as they used to call it. Exxon and other big oil companies are being forced to spend serious time and money trying to fight this preposterous, activist-oriented ESG nonsense related to unverifiable climate change carbon emissions (ESG, An Activist Fad).

Think that’s a coincidence? Pretty sure it isn’t.

Institutional entities, especially representative governments or media channels, should not be involved in dictating what individuals think and how they behave, especially not in America the beautiful.

The silent majority are weary from being lied to and baited on the nonsensical and the anti-American but ignored with regard to important issues like election integrity. Living in an increasingly woke world―with antimeritocratic standards that leave most of us agitated and constantly guessing at all times about what is right and what is wrong―is exhausting, because it’s a lie in itself as defined by even the devil.

It’s clear that personal decisions characteristically made by individuals, families and friends under God’s watchful and loving eye without much fanfare are being usurped by the government, which very cleverly commands and shames society today via censored, engineered social media outlets that pit one group against another.

These media outlets are the Marxist tools used by our government to push our free society under God into becoming a banana republic under dictatorship, where shams like the Trump trials will become more and more commonplace until they don’t need anything at all anymore to just throw someone into jail for looking at someone the wrong way as determined by our future leaders―or dictators, as they are more commonly known.

Only God’s truth can help determine what is right for each individual. If a human uses governance to dictate the truth of another, he or she risks becoming a dictator.

Americans are missing the point by ousting God and absolute truth from life’s intricate equation. Without Him, individuals lose their ability to repent for sin, to feel heard and to gain a lasting peace and love that only God’s eternal ear can provide. If ousted, God is unreachable. At a distance, individuals find no lasting peace―trapped in a cycle of self-induced blame, hatred and victimhood inherent in the devil’s lies.


Israel Analysis

Underlying causes

By Jim Fletcher

You know by now that I like to look at underlying causes for what we are living through. Background is everything, and helps explain present-realities that we might find puzzling.

This week, apologetics teacher Frank Turek asked this question on Twitter/X:

“Why are so many young people and college students defending pro-Palestinian protests?”

Let’s unpack that.

My “area of expertise” is a two-decade effort to examine and analyze evangelical attitudes toward Israel and the Jews. Actually, I began in the 90s figuring out why the mainline churches are anti-Israel. (In fairness, after World War 2, some Catholic and some mainline sources made efforts to build bridges to the Jewish community. Not nearly enough, though.)

I’ve been writing for a long time about efforts to erode Israel support in American churches. Initially, attacks on the Church were sent over the ocean by the Soviets, but by the time the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed in 1964, Soviet propagandists began to school Arab League leaders in undermining Christian theology, especially as it concerns Jewish history. This is a fact. It’s why Yasser Arafat got away with the whopper that Jesus is a Palestinian.

In myriad ways, change agents that don’t like Jews and don’t like Bible prophecy overall have worked to convince all of us that you can’t believe your lyin’ eyes after you simply read Scripture, particularly the Old Testament. It’s why so many people miss the specialness of the Chosen People. Consider too how diabolically successful the Church Growth Movement has been in subtly discouraging actual Bible study.

Decades before all this, Protestant sources were undermining the Jews in very dangerous ways. From a review of Susannah Heschel’s Aryan Jesus:

“From the late 1920’s until 1945, ambitious German Protestant Theologians tried to redefine Christ as an Aryan and Christianity itself as a patriotic Germanic faith at war against Judaism. Their base was ‘The Institute for the Study and Eradication of Jewish Influence on German Life’ (founded in 1939) and the closely associated University of Jena.”

Lutherans are among the most anti-Israel folks out there. Because that statement will inflame some, I am forced to qualify it by saying there are a good number of Lutherans that are not anti-Israel. In fact, I am part of an organization that has pro-Israel Lutherans in its number.

So it is that I also want to spotlight a problematic trend. Whitewashing Martin Luther’s odious anti-Semitism (I know that’s redundant) is a real thing. Chris Rosebrough—who does some good apologetics work—is off when it comes to Jews, Israel, and Bible prophecy. A Lutheran, I do believe the trickle-down effect over the centuries of Luther’s anti-Semitism has skewed the truth for many. In the following tweet, you can read for yourself Rosebrough’s attempt to do damage-control for Martin Luther’s anti-Jew rhetoric. I will highlight the opening statement, then get to my point about it.

“This historical fact is going to be very embarrassing for the Büd Reich. Martin Luther wrote an entire treatise defending the fact that Jesus is a Jew. It is titled, ‘That Jesus Was Born a Jew’. You can find it in Volume 45 of Luther's Works on page 197. Here is a quote from his treatise: ‘It is amazing that the Jews are not moved to believe in this Jesus, their own flesh and blood, with whom the prophecies of Scripture actually square so powerfully and exactly, when they see that we Gentiles cling to him so hard and fast and in such numbers that many thousands have shed their blood for his sake. They know perfectly well that the Gentiles have always shown greater hostility toward the Jews than toward any other nation, and have been unwilling to tolerate their dominion, laws, or government.’”

Notice the first quote from Luther. “The Jews are not moved to believe in this Jesus…” Here, Rosebrough inadvertently makes my point that Luther did not like Jews. I will not quibble with his like of Jesus, Who, he admits, is the Messiah. However, the setup here by Martin Luther is that those dirty Jews (my description) rejected Jesus. That is classic, Medieval anti-Semitism. Do you see?

Again, it is in the historical record that Luther wrote absolutely obscene filth about the Jews. Once he saw they were hard to convert to Christianity, he turned against them. The Nazis rode that built-in wave to unprecedented violence.

This view is more common than you’d think in the Christian community. There are some counter views, thankfully.

I always believe in giving credit where credit is due. It is highly uncommon for millennial apologists today to present truth when it comes to Israel, but Sean McDowell wrote a pretty remarkable short article a few years ago that deserves a thumbs up:

“Virtually all ancient cultures have dissolved (Moabites, Canaanites, Sumerians, etc.). And yet Israel remains. A powerful argument can be made that God has miraculously preserved them to be a blessing to the world. Ezekiel 36:10 says, ‘And I will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt.’ Remarkably, Israel is flourishing unlike any nation in the world. They have the highest PhDs per capita, explosive tree growth, business success, are a water superpower, and have developed remarkable technology (such as Waze).”

I would quibble with one thing in this article: McDowell falls into the common trap of referring to “Palestine” as a modern-day entity. But when even Lifeway Resources sells biblical maps of “Palestine,” what do you expect?

There is a lot of work to be done in advocating for Israel, theologically. I think we are on a trajectory that isn’t good for a while, though the Bible tells us that, yes, the Jewish Messiah is coming to set things right.

The wars being waged against Israel are at a new level of sinister development. Unlike anything in my lifetime. We must remember though, that as things get worse, God has promised that He WILL intervene and save Israel.

I believe it with every fiber of my being.


Walking in peace amidst turmoil

By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst

WASH—Jun 17—KIN--There was a time when pageant contestants, in their interview portion, seemed to end with the goal of “world peace.” People want to say it, but do they really want to live it? Everywhere we look today, there is no peace. If people don’t get their way, they throw tantrums, burn buildings, shoot people, start wars, whatever, then blame it on the ones who are attacked. How many times have you been accused of something out of nowhere, and doing such a deed had never entered your mind? But the person accusing you, is doing that very thing? There is so much division in the world today, it’s very difficult to find peace. Like Jeremiah declaring they say “Peace, peace when there is no peace.” But there can be.

In the weekly reading of Torah, called the parashah, chapters 4-7 of Numbers go into great detail about how the Israelite camp is to be set up, the interaction of the priests, requirements for restitution of sin, the necessities of the Nazarite, even how a woman causing her husband to be jealous was to be handled. All these things seem to be unrelated, but spelling them out has deep meaning and purpose. In the midst of these details, the priestly blessing is given in Numbers 6:23-27, “May Adonai bless you and keep you. May Adonai make his face shine on you and show you his favor. May Adonai lift up his face toward you and give you peace.” Some question why this blessing is given after these detailed instructions.

In his commentary on this parashah titled “Naso” (Take), Rabbi Jonathan Sacks says, “The answer lies in the last word of the priestly blessing: shalom, peace...shalom does not mean simply the absence of war or strife. It means completeness, perfection, the harmonious completion of a complex system, a state in which everything is in its proper place and all is at one with the physical and ethical laws of governing the universe.” Consider that God brought order out of chaos when he created the world and with all the creation, it was good and there was peace. God was showing the Israelites what was expected of them and how to have order among themselves. And in that order, there would be peace. It is no coincidence that “Naso” includes the priestly blessing—a prayer for peace.

In fulfilling the Isaiah 9:5 prophesy as Prince of Peace, Christ brought true shalom to all of His people, Jew and Gentile, as is written in Ephesians 2:14-18, “For He Himself is our peace, having made both one and having broken down the barrier of the partition of hostility, by destroying in His flesh the enmity caused by the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace and reconciling both of them to God in one body through the cross, by which He extinguished their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” Christ IS our shalom. Through him and by him, we can walk in that day by day, moment by moment, no matter what the world does. Shalom!


Two plus two equals more meddling

By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst

WASH—Jun 18—KIN--On June 6, The Daily Jot reported that Joe Biden may be scheming to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Curious that on June 10, 2024, Benny Gantz resigned from Israel’s five-member war cabinet, saying that Netanyahu was preventing Israel from achieving a true victory. Gantz takes with him his National Unity party, which was part of Israel’s emergency wartime government. This includes Gadi Eisenkot, a member National Unity and also on the war cabinet. Gantz pulling out of the Israeli government during this crucial time not only poses additional political unrest for Netanyahu’s slim majority government, but may also cast some light on Biden Administration influence to oust Netanyahu.

On May 20, Joe Biden’s National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby told reporters that National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was in Israel and “He had a chance to meet with the leader of the opposition, Yair Lapid, as well as the Minister of Defense, Mr. Gallant, and a couple of members of the Israeli war cabinet to include Benny Gantz…The purpose there was to talk, obviously, about the situation in Gaza and U.S. support--continued support for Israel in the face of the various threats that they’re under. And, again, there was a broad range of discussions here to include humanitarian assistance and making sure we can increase that flow, get it more sustained, as well as doing everything that they can to reassure and make comfortable humanitarian aid workers as that aid starts to get in.” Key words: “meet with the leader of the opposition.”

Kirby went on to discuss how Sullivan “was sort of building out on this strategic consultative group format” and cited it as an example of “Israeli willingness to continue to hear us out on our concerns…” The White House read out of Sullivan’s meeting with “the opposition” stated: “Minister Gallant and General Halevi briefed Mr. Sullivan on new alternative approaches to defeating Hamas in Rafah to address the concerns that have been expressed by the U.S. side through the Strategic Consultative Group process. The two sides agreed to continue discussions.” Kirby didn’t mention that Sullivan met the previous day with Netanyahu and members of his government and “reiterated the President’s longstanding position on Rafah.” The Netanyahu meeting is reiteration of a position, the meeting with opposition is alternatives to the current status.

It’s no secret that Biden and Netanyahu have publicly disagreed on the war on terror against Hamas. Biden has done what he can to frustrate Israeli war plans by demanding a ceasefire, withholding munitions, negotiating with Hamas behind Israel’s back, and trying once again to force a two-state solution on Israel. In response, Netanyahu said in a May 10 interview on the Dr. Phil show, "We will do what we have to do to protect our country, protect our future…If Israel has to stand alone, we will stand alone.” It appears Biden is trying to isolate Netanyahu. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Put two and two together and we can see the fruits of intentional meddling.



Apostasy in the Church

Be careful where you send your children

By Jim Fletcher

The rot within our nation’s seminaries—which I admittedly write about a lot—was set-in long ago. There are certain outcomes that result from incremental gains by the devil. One of them is all around us now: the acceptance of homosexuality. From a new report:

“Fuller Theological Seminary—a school that when founded by Charles Fuller in 1947, actually believed in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture—is now contemplating revisions to its sexual standards that would permit same-sex relationships on campus, according to a draft obtained by the Associated Press.

“This effort to accommodate sexual lawlessness is not surprising in today’s climate, where even so-called Christian leaders and institutions are quick to capitulate to societal pressures. AP reports that the seminary’s president, David Goatley, appointed a task force to review the school’s sexual standards, following the firing of senior administrator Ruth Schmidt for refusing to sign the seminary’s existing standards.

“Schmidt’s case is emblematic of the larger issue at hand. Identifying as queer, Schmidt was dismissed for her inability to conform to Fuller’s biblical stance on marriage. Yet, if these new standards pass, students like Schmidt will no longer have to fear discipline or expulsion for their aberrant sex lives. In her words, ‘It’s going to be life-changing for them.’ Needless to say, such changes would only further erode the seminary's commitment to biblical truth.”

You are probably aware that the United Methodist Church is right now going through a bloody, wholesale split over homosexuality. The denomination is now split. Yet, just like Fuller, this didn’t come about quickly. Too many are unaware (or kept their heads in the sand) that the UMC decades ago turned a blind eye to the issue of homosexuality; individual bishops defied church teaching. The recent splits were just fall-out from bad decisions made 40 years ago. The creation of the UMC in 1968, from several individual Methodist denominations, was a tragic mistake. It was intended by the Left to add leaven to the dough.

You must understand, an institution as influential and large as Fuller Seminary is not going to be allowed to continue indefinitely as an academic house of God. Not at all. The devilish influences started at the California seminary almost from the start.

Another outcome of the slide toward liberalism has been the almost wholesale abandonment of Israel. You are much more likely to find students at places like Fuller and Wheaton that identify with the Palestinian narrative. Their professors taught them that. Men like the late Glen Stassen. Fuller sends students to “Palestine” and they come back as shills for the PLO. If the truth were known, many, many evangelical pastors and ministry leaders are no friends of Israel. Warren, Andy Stanley and in his day, Bill Hybels, set the tone for thousands of church leaders. If they are friendly to the Palestinian narrative, erosion of support for Israel sets in.

Paul Smith’s New Evangelicalism is a tremendous resource for understanding the slide toward liberalism within the evangelical community. Paul had unique insights and access to tons of documented evidence.

“What lies behind the Purpose Driven philosophy? It is primarily fueled by what Warren learned from Drucker and Fuller Seminary. The new evangelical seminary trains men and women to take a traditional church and mold it into a postmodern accommodating mindset that will reach a postmodern culture.

“Today in Fuller Seminary's PhD program at the School of Intercultural Studies, the students must recognize the globalization of the church and the end of Western Christendom. For these students, embracing postmodernism is assumed for the training of the twenty-first century Emergent churchmen.”

Charles Fuller’s vision for a seminary was originally a good thing. He was a strong fundamentalist, as in, he believed in the fundamentals of the faith. He had studied at Biola (today another left-leaning institution), and had studied under the dispensationalist teacher Reuben A. Torrey.

Former students attest to the leftward drift. Wayne Grudem spoke to school officials in 1971:

“While I was still an undergraduate at Harvard, I had heard warnings that Fuller Seminary was seriously compromising the truth of God's Word. Even though these warnings came from such respected sources as Francis Schaeffer, John Montgomery, and Christianity Today, I didn't believe them. Now I do. Not one of my courses here has strengthened my confidence in the Bible.”

What a stunning statement! And note the incredible irony that 50 years ago, Christianity Today was on the good guys’ side.

I am certain that the powers-to-be at these schools don’t broadcast their real beliefs, rather relying on a pristine campus and theological window-dressing to cajole parents to fork-over big tuition bucks. All the while the students are turned out four years later as Woke progressives.

Educate yourself before you send your kids to an institution where they’ll be schooled in leftist thought.


Nasrallah's threats Israel-Cyprus defense cooperation

June 20, 2024

Source: Ynet News

Cyprus is worried about the far-reaching consequences should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah; 'If Lebanon is hit with an earthquake – the tsunami hits Cyprus,' an Cypriot officials says

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah's threat against Cyprus brings to light the security relationship between Israel and the neighboring island, raising concerns about the consequences of a broader war with Lebanon.

For the full article: Ynet News


Biden stopped fast tracking US arms to Israel following pressure from Anti-Israel Democrats, GOP senator says

June 20, 2024

Source: The Washington Free Beacon

'[Biden's] administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel,' Cotton says

The Biden administration stopped fast tracking weapons to Israel in early January after a pressure campaign from Democratic lawmakers who oppose American support for Israel’s war to eradicate Hamas, a GOP senator said on Thursday.

Federal law allows the president to forgo formal congressional notifications on arms sales "when emergencies exist," and the Biden administration invoked this power last year as it worked to quickly provide Israel with the arms it needed to combat Hamas. However, the administration "stopped acknowledging the emergency in Israel after receiving a letter from nearly twenty congressional Democrats in January, urging [it] to end expedited weapons sales to Israel," Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) wrote in a Thursday letter pressing the White House to explain the delay in arms shipments to Israel.

For the full article: The Washington Free Beacon


Survey of Cascadia Subduction Zone reveals subterranean structure

June 8, 2024

Source: Cosmos

New data covering the Cascadia subduction zone – a megathrust fault, which are capable of generating the world’s largest earthquakes – has got scientists rethinking the seismic potential of the region.

The Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ) stretches more than 900km from coast of Vancouver Island in Canada to Northern California in the US. In this region, called the Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ), the Pacific Ocean floor is slowly being forced eastward underneath North America.

That is, until the plates catch and lock against each other, building up stress until its finally release in a powerful earthquake and, potentially, an ensuing tsunami.

For the full article: Cosmos


MONSTER RISES: China’s menacing nuclear-armed humpback submarine SURFACES near Taiwan as Xi ramps up nuke arsenal at blistering pace

June 18, 2024

Source: U.S. Sun

China is believed to be growing its chilling nuclear arsenal faster than any other country, according to a new bombshell report

CHINA'S menacing military submarine designed for carrying nuclear warheads has been seen surfacing in the Taiwan Strait.

The 11,000 ton humpback sub appeared alongside several other warships as Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to ramp up his nuclear arsenal at a blistering pace.

For the full article: U.S. Sun


Russia and North Korea sign partnership deal that appears to be the strongest since the Cold War

June 19, 2024

Source: AP

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement Wednesday that pledges mutual aid if either country faces “aggression,” a strategic pact that comes as both face escalating standoffs with the West.

Details of the deal were not immediately clear, but it could mark the strongest connection between Moscow and Pyongyang since the end of the Cold War. Both leaders described it as a major upgrade of their relations, covering security, trade, investment, cultural and humanitarian ties.

The summit came as Putin visited North Korea for the first time in 24 years and the U.S. and its allies expressed growing concerns over a possible arms arrangement in which Pyongyang provides Moscow with badly needed munitions for its war in Ukraine, in exchange for economic assistance and technology transfers that could enhance the threat posed by Kim’s nuclear weapons and missile program.

For the full article: AP


What’s known, and not known, about the partnership agreement signed by Russia and North Korea

June 20, 2024

Source: AP

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un say a new strategic partnership is a breakthrough, but what it means for their relationship is still uncertain.

The pact requires both countries to use all available means to provide immediate military assistance in the event of war, according to North Korean state media. While the agreement, inked Wednesday at a summit in Pyongyang, could represent the countries’ strongest deal signed after the Cold War, there are differing opinions on how strong the security commitment is.

Kim claimed that the deal elevated bilateral relations to the level of an alliance, while Putin was more understated and did not call it an alliance.

For the full article: AP


China attacks on Philippine boats are to provoke US, prep for Taiwan war, experts warn

June 18, 2024

Source: FOX News

On Monday Chinese ships again blocked Philippines resupply mission to island outpost

TAIWAN – China is inching closer to acts of war in the seas near the Philippines, according to experts, who say Beijing's amplified hostile moves may soon cross red lines that could force the treaty-bound United States to intervene and defend the Asian nation.

"The Chinese are intentionally taunting the Philippines… which Beijing needs to justify an escalation," Andrew J. Masigan, a Philippine Star columnist and special consultant to the Middle East Media Research Institute's (MEMRI) Chinese Media Studies project, told Fox News Digital. "Every time the Philippines makes a move, China escalates… for instance, when the Philippines adds two Coast Guard vessels, the Chinese will add six." But Masigan says his nation will not "fall into this Chinese trap," and will continue to follow international law while working to strengthen the U.S.-Australia-Philippines-Japan alliance and increase cooperation with Taiwan, Vietnam and Malaysia.

For the full article: FOX News


Chinese provocation could lead to a broader conflict if miscalculated: Top US diplomat

June 16, 2024

Source: The Epoch Times

Beijing’s provocative actions have heightened tensions with countries in the region.

The Chinese communist regime’s provocative actions in international waters in the region could lead to a broader conflict if miscalculated, a U.S. top diplomat in Taiwan warned.

Sandra Oudkirk, the outgoing director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and de facto U.S. ambassador, told reporters on June 14 that the United States was “profoundly devoted” to the status quo of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and broader region.

For the full article: The Epoch Times


Rubio introduces bill to expose ‘Wealth and Corrupt Activities’ of CCP leaders

June 15, 2024

Source: The Epoch Times

The bill requires the Director of National Intelligence to issue a public report about the wealth and corrupt activities of the CCP’s leadership.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has introduced legislation to expose the wealth and “corrupt activities” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its leadership.

The “Confronting Chinese Communist Party Malign Influence Act of 2024” was proposed on June 12. The legislation aims to make public the hidden wealth of CCP leaders and their malign activities.

For the full article: The Epoch Times


South Korea will consider supplying arms to Ukraine after Russia and North Korea sign strategic pact

June 20, 2024

Source: AP

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea said Thursday that it would consider sending arms to Ukraine, a major policy change that was suggested after Russia and North Korea rattled the region and beyond by signing a pact to come to each other’s defense in the event of war.

The comments from a senior presidential official came hours after North Korea’s state media released the details of the agreement, which observers said could mark the strongest connection between Moscow and Pyongyang since the end of the Cold War. It comes at a time when Russia faces growing isolation over the war in Ukraine and both countries face escalating standoffs with the West.

For the full article: AP