Note: This page compiles multiple commentaries together. The first commentary originally appeared in the August 18, 2017, edition of Koenig's Eye View from the White House. Some additional comments from the 2020-2022 time frame have been added below after the end of the first commentary. Another commentary from April 15, 2022 is also included further below as well as some newer comments.
The August 21 total solar eclipse in the United States and the numerous biblical parallels to Israel
Koenig: The following was prepared by my assistant Max Obeidin. To say the least, this is very interesting and fascinating information.
The Biblical Significance of the August 21 total solar eclipse
The eclipse will produce a 67-mile-wide path across America; 1967 was the year Israel regained Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. The property lines are often called the pre-67 lines in peace talks.
The maximum level of eclipse coverage will be over Washington, DC at 2:42 PM (about 81 percent). UN Resolution 242 calls for Israel to give up land for an Arab state that is Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. The resolution is the foundation for the peace talks.
The suns will set in Jerusalem at the time the eclipse’s shadow of totality arrives in Oregon on August 21.
The eclipse line divides the land of the US; the Israeli-Palestinian peace process calls for the land of Israel to be divided
The paths of the August 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024 total solar eclipses create a huge X, with a phase of totality of 9000 square miles the size of New Jersey. Israel is often said to be the size of New Jersey.
From Max Obeidin:
In last week’s new report, we shared a commentary by Anne Graham Lotz called “Is God’s Judgment Coming on America?” about the upcoming total solar eclipse on August 21. In Anne’s commentary ( http://www.annegrahamlotz.org/2017/08/07/gods-judgment-coming-america/ ) she linked to a sermon by Australian pastor Steve Cioccolanti where he discussed the eclipse. One of the things that he mentioned is that zone of totality first arrives in Oregon at 17:16 UT (or 10:16 AM PDT), which is the same time the sun sets in Jerusalem at 7:16 PM. But there are a least a few other significant facts about the eclipse that seem to relate to the US role with Israel.
The National Eclipse Blog says, “From Oregon to South Carolina, the eclipse will trace a 67-mile-wide path across the country and millions of Americans will witness a once-in-a-lifetime event as the moon passes between the earth and the sun and day turns to night for up to almost three minutes.” ( https://nationaleclipse.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/x-marks-the-spot-two-total-solar-eclipses-in-seven-years/ ).
Other sources have also noted that the path of the eclipse averages 67 miles wide. This 67-mile-wide ‘line’ so-to-speak essentially cuts the United States in half at a diagonal angle, dividing the land into two parts.
In the year 1967 Israel regained control of the eastern half of Jerusalem, as well as the Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula (although Sinai was later given back to Egypt). People that call for a two-state plan often mention the pre-war 1967 borders that existed before Israel regained control of Jerusalem and those other areas, sometimes referring to them as the ’67 lines. While our president is hoping to make the ‘ultimate deal’ for a two-state plan which would involve dividing Jerusalem and Israel based on using the ’67 lines as a starting point, America is symbolically being divided by a ’67 line.’ This seems to be very significant. The path of the 2017 eclipse also looks like it is sloping downward since it moves from the Northwest to the Southeast. Even this shape could possibly have a significance. In economics, when a line appears on a graph in this shape it is typically used to show a decline in something. It also looks like a slash mark across America, which is often used to negate something (i.e. think of a no eating symbol on a bus).
Washington, DC is not in the path of totality of the eclipse. However, there is another interesting fact which may be symbolic. According to timeanddate.com ( https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa/washington-dc?iso=20170821 ), the eclipse reaches it maximum level of coverage over Washington, DC (of about 81%) at 2:42 PM. In 1967, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242 which called for “withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.”
Not only is there the concern that this eclipse could be an indication of God’s judgment, including for the U.S. role in the peace process, there is also further concern because another solar eclipse will happen approximately seven years later April 8, 2024. When you take the paths of the phase of totality of these two eclipses and cross them together, it makes a large ‘X’ over America which is centered close to Carbondale, Illinois. What makes it even more significant is the size of the area where the paths of totality cross. National Eclipse Blog describes it as such, “Because the 2017 eclipse travels across the country from northwest to southeast and the 2024 eclipse makes its way through the nation from southwest to northeast, the two paths cross each other and create a zone of overlapping totality of almost 9,000 square miles, or roughly the size of New Jersey.” ( https://nationaleclipse.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/x-marks-the-spot-two-total-solar-eclipses-in-seven-years/ ). The size of Israel is often compared to the size of New Jersey. Many pro-Israel speakers will distinctly say that Israel is “about the size of New Jersey.”
An ‘X’ over something is often used as a symbol of rejection. What does it mean for America when these two eclipses that are about seven years apart have paths of totality that form an ‘X’ over America with an area of overlap that is close in size to Israel?
While there are certainly other factors that are leading our nation further into God’s judgment, could the two eclipses be a warning that the tipping point for judgment is touching the land of Israel?
Even if this is so, as believers in Jesus we cannot live under a spirit of fear. One of the most amazing things to reflect on about these eclipses is that God already had these celestial events planned even before he set the sun, the earth, and the moon into their orbits. And even though the warning of judgment is a cause for concern and prayer about America, there is also something that we that live for Jesus can take comfort in. And that is that God is sovereign over the events of the Universe. He already knew before the world was created how all these things would take place. He knew the timing, locations, and parameters of these events. Not only did He know them, but He was the One that ordained and orchestrated these events according to His divine and sovereign plans. And this is a good lesson for our lives.
Do we trust that the God who set the sun, the earth, and the moon into their orbits and planned these celestial events out plans our lives with perfect knowledge and understanding? Do we believe that if we let God guide our steps that He will orchestrate them in a way that is in perfect alignment with His sovereign will? And do we trust that even in the midst of any upcoming judgment that our nation may face, that God can give us the strength to focus our eyes on Jesus and to do our part to the do the Lord’s work?
There is indeed concern about what is coming to America. And this means that we must pray for God’s mercy, pray for our own safety and the safety of others, and especially that we pray for the salvation of those that do not know Jesus. And we must share the truth of God’s word and the Gospel when it comes to our individual and national accountability for sin and the need to repent, and we must also share God’s biblical truth about not dividing the land of Israel. But we should do this with confident eyes on Jesus. When judgment comes, it will shake America, but Jesus will never be shaken! We will do our best to overcome what we may face nationally and individually if we are confident in and established firmly on Christ the Solid Rock!
UPDATE: Additional comments by Max Obeidin in 2021 (with some edits and additions in 2022).
Here are some additional details in reference to the original commentary from 2017 along with some new information.
The goal in the original commentary was to take a thorough look at the symbolism of what God might be saying to America through the sign of the eclipse and especially to point out the message God was sharing about not dividing Israel's land. The path of totality of the 2017 eclipse drew a line across the United States that traced a path all the way from Oregon to South Carolina. A unique thing about it was that the shadow of totality only passed over the United States and no other nation. The sign among other things seemed (and still seems) to be a warning of potential judgment coming if the United States continued to take part in the division of the land of Israel.
Reflecting on what has happened since the 2017 eclipse, it seems that the eclipse distinctly warned of the coming Coronavirus pandemic. In the original commentary further above, a post by Anne Graham Lotz from August 7, 2017, was referenced called, “Is God’s Judgment Coming on America?” In that post was a link to a sermon by Australian pastor Steve Cioccolanti in which he gave an analysis of the eclipse and what he felt it could mean for America. ( Link here: https://youtu.be/-ZvIibUAY2o ).
Here are two of the siginificant things that he mentioned about the 2017 eclipse: 1.) the symbolic connection to the 1918 eclipse [31:50 in the sermon] and 2.) the possibility that the 2017 eclipse could be an indication of a coming pandemic [33:40].
One major significance about the 1918 eclipse and the 2017 eclipse was that they shared a very similar path to each other. Both of them traced a path of totality from the Northwest to the Southeast in the United States without touching other nations (except the Bahamas in 1918). Some people noticed the similarity in 2017 and even pointed out that the last time America had a coast-to-coast eclipse had been almost a century before in 1918. So, what is the significance of the paths of the two eclipses when compared to one another? The answer in part at least is that they are both related to a worldwide pandemic. From 1918 and through 1920, the world was plagued by the horrible Spanish flu. Some estimates say that tens of millions of people died during that outbreak. The 2017 eclipse seems to have been an indicator of the coming Coronavirus later in President Trump's term given that the eclipse approximately paralled the path of the 1918 American eclipse which occurred at the time of the Spanish Flu outbreak and also because in a total solar eclipse the sun's hidden corona appears, which may have been symbolic of the coming Coronavirus.
To expand on the original comments from 2017, there seems to be a two-fold message in what God was (and still is) saying to America. One message is not to divide the land of Israel and that there will be judgment if the United States takes part in dividing the land of Israel and/or restraining Israel from exercising the right to continue to annex land. The other message is the need for the United States to repent of sin in general. Both of these messages have validity. If America does not divide the land and does not hinder Israel from annexation, the nation will still face judgment if it does not repent of its national sins as well as individuals repenting of individual sins. Likewise, even if the nation repents of national and individual sins and turns back to God, it will still face judgment if it continues to take part in the division of the land of Israel. If the nation fails to heed to God's warning in both messages, then it only will make the degree of judgment more severe.
At the same time, there has also been a judgment on the nations of the world. Even though the United States has been the hardest hit by Coronavirus as far as the number of total people passing away, the whole world has also been effected. In that sense, the 2017 eclipse was also a warning to the entire world.
In a sermon in 2017, Mark Biltz said the path of the eclipse was 70 miles wide and that the number 70 is symbolic of the nations. In Anne Graham Lotz's post, she also noted how the solar eclipse was a sign to the nations. As was stated above, the average width of totality was 67 miles (as reported by the National Eclipse Blog), and symbolizes Israel and the peace process. However, the rounded figure of 70 miles (as reported by NASA) to represent the nations is also valid. Both of the numbers are symbolic. Both of the numbers have to do with the warning God was giving. God was using the symbolism to call all of the nations of the world to repentance of national sins, as well as to warn all the nations of the world that there are consequences for dividing the land of Israel.
Even though the 1918 eclipse happened over America, the pandemic affected the entire world. It is the same today. The 2017 eclipse happened over America, but the pandemic has affected the entire world. The key difference is that in 1918 the eclipse followed the beginning of the outbreak by several months. Then the outbreak continued for about two more years. In the case of the 2017 eclipse, it foreshadowed the outbreak which would start a little more than two years later in late 2019. The outbreak has lasted into 2022, and it is possible some effects could last much longer especially if the virus mutations become cyclical.
In 2017, it was not fully clear as to the exact nature of the judgment that would be coming. There were many possibilities, but it was diffcult to know just exactly what would happen. Although in hindsight, it seems that there was a specific symbolism given related to the current pandemic in the picture of the total solar eclipse and not just because of the path of totality. So, what happens in a total solar eclipse? Along a very specific path, the moon temporarily blocks the full disk of the sun. At that moment, a part of the sun is visible that cannot normally be seen from earth with the unaided eye. That part of the sun extends outward and away from the main disk of the sun. It is called the solar corona. The path of the eclipse in 2017 was indicative of a pandemic, and at the same time the solar corona was visible along the path of totality that swept across the land. Now, there is a virus with corona in its name that has swept across America. The symbolism of the solar corona pointed to the Coronavirus. Here are some pictures of the eclipse compared to some graphics from US government websites so that you can see the picture of the solar corona and how it related to the Coronavirus.
Note: Coronavirus images are from US Government websites.
Here are some updated comments in regard to some of the things that were stated in the original commentary.
Statement: “The path of the 2017 eclipse also looks like it is sloping downward since it moves from the Northwest to the Southeast. Even this shape could possibly have a significance. In economics, when a line appears on a graph in this shape it is typically used to show a decline in something.”
The Coronavirus has effected the economy in ways that many people would not have expected. One interesting thing about the 2017 eclipse is that the shape of the eclipse path looks somewhat like an economics graph. In the original commentary above, the path was referenced as possibly meaning some type of economic decline in America. If you look at a stock graph for instance, you will see that a line with a downward slope means a reduction in value. Also, from an economic perspective, the decline can also be thought of as a decline in prosperity in addition to economic value. Even though the government has taken unprecedented steps to try to stimulate the economy, this has come at the cost of trillions of new dollars added to America's national debt. Also, with inflation so high, the real value of dollars continues to decrease.
The line that divides America could also possibly have meant that a spirit of division was coming onto the land in a more pronounced way, which seems to have happened at the same time as the Coronavirus.
Statement: “While there are certainly other factors that are leading our nation further into God’s judgment, could the two eclipses be a warning that the tipping point for judgment is touching the land of Israel?”
A key thing to note about the eclipse and the Coronavirus, is that judgment for the U.S. role in the peace process is a major factor, but it is not the only factor. The phrase “tipping point” is also akin to the phrase “the straw that broke the camel's back.” When you study the pattern of judgment related to violating the Abrahamic covenant and attempting to divide the land of Israel, you will find that God often deals with other sins at the same time he is allowing the judgment to come related to attempting to divide the land of Israel. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005 after the disengagement of the Gaza Strip and Samaria, it hit the city of New Orleans right before they were about to have their annual Southern Decadence gay festival. It also damaged a lot of the casinos along the Gulf Coast. Yet, the ferocity and intensity of Hurricane Katrina as a whole was very strongly rooted in the United States' push for the peace plan and the disengagement of the Gaza Strip.
A number of people are saying that God is using the Coronavirus and the disruption it is causing to call our nation and the world for that matter into repentance for sinning against God's moral laws. This also seems to be true. The fact that there is a strong connection between the peace plan and the timing of the Coronavirus outbreak does not limit what God wants to do with this situation to call people and nations into repentance. Both of those factors are true. Neither one is exclusive of the other. While this newer part of the commentary focuses on the eclipse, the peace plan and the connection to the Coronavirus, the aspects of God calling the nations to repentance for violating his moral law cannot be ignored. As Mark Biltz has pointed out before, there was a significant total solar eclipse that passed over Nineveh before the prophet Jonah prophesied of its impending judgment. Although, the fact that God was giving the people the warning through Jonah indicated that God was willing to relent if the people were willing to repent. Jeremiah 18:18 says, "and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned" (NIV). However, there are times when repentance will not necessarily prevent all judgment, especially if only certain sins are repented of, while others are left alone.
Statement: “When judgment comes, it will shake America, but Jesus will never be shaken!”
The sign of the eclipse seemed to be a significant warning of judgment, but it was not fully clear at that time exactly what would happen. It was understandable that some people were concerned that there would be some kind of event or multiple events that would shake America. A number of people in 2020 were saying that America is being shaken as the Coronavirus affected the country. This also likewise has affected many other countries in the world. Some people have referenced Hebrews 12:26-27, which states, “Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” (KJV). While the ultimate context and fulfillment of this verse is focused on the the Lord's judgment at the end of the world, it is still true that we are indeed facing a great shaking in the world right now.
“Not only is there the concern that this eclipse could be an indication of God’s judgment, including for the U.S. role in the peace process, there is also further concern because another solar eclipse will happen approximately seven years later April 8, 2024.”
The fact that the 2017 and 2024 eclipses cross the same place approximately seven years apart also seems very significant. Because of the significance of the seventieth week of Daniel, which many people interpret as the 7-year Tribulation period, it catches our ears anytime we hear anything about a 7-year period in conjunction with a possible peace deal involving Israel. While the time period between the two eclipses is technically 4 and half months short of 7 years, it is still natural to notice the 7-year difference between 2017 and 2024 when you look at the year numbers on the Gregorian calendar. Even though this current 7-year period does not seem to be the actual seventieth week in Daniel, there could have been some symbolism here in how the two eclipses related to the peace process.
Another significant thing about this 7-year time period is how it relates to the previous Presidential term and the current Presidential term. The year 2017 was the first year of Donald Trump's Presidential term. The year 2024 will be the fourth year of the current Presidential term. As of January 20, 2021, Donald Trump is no longer in office and Joe Biden is serving as President of the United States. Interestingly enough, there was also a total solar eclipse at the exact halfway point between the 2017 and 2024 eclipses. The eclipse on December 14, 2020, did not pass directly over any U.S. territories, but it still seems to be significant since since occurred on the same day that the electoral college was meeting in the various states to cast their votes for president. So, the three eclipses together seem to have a symbolic meaning relating to the two presidential terms.
While the warning of a pandemic in the 2017 eclipse is evident now, there is more to the potential coming judgment that the 2017 eclipse indicated than simply the Coronavirus. Steve Cioccolanti has mentioned the possibility of a significant earthquake or series of earthquakes, which is very relevant given the recent earthquakes that have happened in the United States. If you look at the linked video that Cioccolanti had put online, you can see how the path of totality of the eclipse passed over several earthquake zones. One very significant thing is that the place where the paths of totality of the 2017 and 2024 eclipses cross each other is the area of the New Madrid earthquake zone. As mentioned in the 2017 commentary above, the area where these paths cross around Carbondale, Illinois covers an area of land that is similar to the size of Israel. Much of the information about specific events recorded in Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel is focused on events that happened starting with the "Madrid Peace Process" in 1991 and subsequent peace efforts. The symbolic nature of the "New Madrid" earthquake zone in connection with the eclipses could be a possible warning of a significant earthquake that might take place in this region if the United States continues to take part in a peace process that would divide Israel. A major earthquake in this region would have the potential to affect large cities like St. Louis, Memphis, and possibly even Nashville. It remains to be seen whether this would be something that would take place around the time of the 2024 eclipse or if this specific warning could be related to something else that might happen several more years down the road after that. Since the path of the 2017 eclipse also passed over several earthquake zones, the warning of a possible earthquake is not only limited to this area. There could be significant events in other parts of the country. A large earthquake off either the West Coast or the East Coast could potentially trigger a tsunami that could do significant damage to low-lying cities on the coast that was affected.
Also, there is a warning of a potential significant military conflict or war that may be coming at some point in the future based on the pattern of the August 21, 2017 date, which corresponded with the new moon that indicated the start of the Hebrew month of Elul. An eclipse occurred in 1914 on this same date on both the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars. Mark Biltz has pointed out that the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul starts a 40-day period of repentance leading to Yom Kippur. So, the 2017 eclipse was definitely a call to repentance.The 1914 eclipse seems to have been connected to World War I, and the warning in relation to the 2017 eclipse seems to relate to the pattern of war that happened in 1914 and to be an indication that the 2017 eclipse was also warning of war. The 1914 eclipse passed directly over several countries in Europe and the Middle East and may have implications for future military conflicts that involve these countries. The 1914 path of totality passed over what today are the countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Iran, and Pakistan, among others, and essentially drew a line between most of the NATO countries and Russia. It is possible there could be conflict in other places as well.
We have to continue to pray for our nation as well as the world to repent. We also need to repent in our own individual lives. Judgment does not have to come. National judgment comes when a nation and the individuals in that nation disobey God. When Jonah gave the warning to Nineveh, they repented. Then God relented of the judgment he was going to bring on the nation. The challenge we have now though, is that we are already experiencing one layer of judgment (but there is more to come than just the Coronavirus if we do not repent). We also have to be ready to cling to Jesus no matter what, especially if things continue to progress the way they are. While God is giving America a chance to repent, the general trend of our society over the last several decades has been to move further and further away from God and the truth of His Word. While God has still been granting America time to repent, at least as of now the nation as a whole has not repented. So, we need to be preparing ourselves spiritually to endure whatever we have to until the Lord comes. At the same time, we need to remember the promise from His Word, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Many people would say we have a lot to fear, but we have to learn to trust in God even when the world around us is in fear. We have to live our lives and make our decisions in wisdom rather than a spirit of fear.
Note: All subsequent updates below by Max Obeidin.
September 20, 2022 Update:
It is unclear exactly when the timing of these things will take place. Although given the fact that there is ongoing military conflict in part of Europe, it is something that needs to be given serious consideration as to whether other nations will be involved in war in the near future. The fact that the 2017 eclipse used the 1914 eclipse as a reference point seems to mean there is the potential for war in multiple places. The specific warning of possible military conflict or war involving the United States and other parts of the world could have short-term and/or long-term implications. We will continue to watch how things play out during the remainder of this year and into the next two years. It is also possible that the warning to America could have greater implications in the years beyond 2024 and later into this decade. Additionally, a number of people in the news recently have mentioned that they have concerns about civil conflict within the United States. If that were to happen, it would also put America in a much more vulnerable state if an enemy were to attack the nation. A recent news article was titled, "More Than 40% Of US Thinks Civil War Is Coming Within 10 Years." It is possible that the warning the eclipses gave of division and conflict in the United States could also be connected to internal conflict and not just to external conflict.
While the April 15, 2022, commentary above was focused on the possibility of miltary conflict and war, that does not mean that other types events could not happen first. The 2017 eclipse also pointed to the possibility of a major earthquake and/or series of earthquakes occurring in the United States and possibly even other parts of the world. There could also be other significant types of natural disasters. The comment above, "We are at a place now where we are getting closer to the next event of judgment on America if we do not repent as a nation. That judgment will likely involve military conflict or war," was meant to focus on judgment in the sense of something that is a prolonged event (i.e. lasting months or years, like Coronavirus) and not just a short-term event like a natural disaster occurring. Truthfully, these types of events could actually occur in any order. The August 18, 2017, commentary noted, "The path of the 2017 eclipse also looks like it is sloping downward since it moves from the Northwest to the Southeast. Even this shape could possibly have a significance. In economics, when a line appears on a graph in this shape it is typically used to show a decline in something." In hindsight, this seems to have been a warning of the economic decline that America is now facing. There were some positive things in the economy during President Trump's first three years. However, once the 2020 Peace to Prosperity plan was released (along with a map that would divide Israel if implemented), the economy soon began to significantly decline as the Coronavirus began to cause major issues in America. Since then, the value of money has continued to decline as inflation has been rising at the highest rate in decades. This trend may continue to occur for the near future, especially if some of the other possible events above come to pass.
One of the other things that the 2017 and 2024 eclipses seem to point to is some type of famine. The paths of totality cross over a region of southern Illinois that has historically been nicknamed "Little Egypt." While there is some debate about how the region got its name, at least one theory associates this area with a famine that occurred about two centuries ago in Illinois where people from northern Illinois went to get grain to eat from southern Illinois, much like Jacob's family went down to Egypt to get grain to eat in the book of Genesis in the Bible. Could it be that some of the possible events described above could cause some type of famine in the United States? The events would have to be significant in size and cause damage that was prolonged in time for them to result in this type of scarcity. This could possibly point to war on U.S. soil and/or some type of natural disaster occurring that has never been witnessed before since the United States became a nation and would result in prolonged strain on the economy, supplies, and food.
On October 25, 2018, a major typhoon called Yutu passed over the Northern Mariana Islands, which is a US territory. While it was not a billion-dollar disaster because of the small size of the islands, it may have been connected in part to U.S. peace efforts that were going on with Israel and the Palestinians at that time. The eye of the storm passed directly over Tinian Island where the two planes took off that dropped the atomic bombs in battle during World War 2. Could this have possibly been some type of warning to the United States of a nuclear attack at some point in the future? The word "Tinian" is the last half of the word "Palestinian," and may have been another possible warning for the United States not to divide the land of Israel. The approximate top wind speed of 180 mph (article here) may have been a symbolic sign that the U.S. needs to make a "one-eighty," meaning to turn around and repent. Here is a radar graphic of Super Typhoon Yutu's eye passing directly over Tinian Island.

Image credit: NOAA
There are many people praying and interceding for our nation, and it certainly seems that because of these prayers God has been holding back some of the additional disruption and possibly even delaying some of the further consequences. Still, if America does not repent, these things will not be able to be held back for much longer. God does not want us to live in fear, but we do need to prepare ourselves for what may be coming in the near future. And we must continue to pray for God's mercy and for the salvation of many even in these challenging times.
April 7, 2023 Quick Update:
One major concern in the short-term is a possible economic collapse in the United States that will potentially be much worse than what happened in 2007-2008. A few of the recent bank collapses are only the tip of the iceberg. Additionally, the warning of possible military conflict above is certainly still relevant. It is very possible that something could happen militarily when the United States is already in an economically-weakened state. The annular solar eclipse over part of America on October 14, 2023, may be pointing towards an increased level of disruption in the country around that time and continuing into the near future. A major economic collapse could trigger shortages and scarcity. It is possible the warning of famine mentioned above could be connected to the economy and not necessarily to a major natural disaster. However, having one or more major earthquakes in 2023-2024 may be a real possibility. Also, the possibility of something that could disrupt the electric grids seems to be a concern this year, whether it would be due to a solar flare, EMP weapon, or a series of cascading blackouts especially if parts of the electric grid were attacked either physically or through cyber warfare. It is a good idea to seek God's guidance on what you should do to prepare for what may come.
April 19, 2023 Quick Update:
Having another pandemic is a real possibility and might be indicated in part by the 2024 total solar eclipse and/or the 2023 annular solar eclipse. It would likely be something of a different nature than the previous pandemic and not just another coronavirus. While the 2017 eclipse warned of a pandemic that followed the eclipse by a few years, that does not mean that there has to be a delay in a future pandemic as related to the 2024 eclipse. In the historical 1918 eclipse at the time of the Spanish flu, the pandemic was already taking place at the time the eclipse happened. These are things to consider and pray about.
When interpreted together, the 2017 and 2024 eclipses seem to be a significant warning of the possibility of a major New Madrid zone earthquake in the middle of America that would happen if there is a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians to create a Palestinian state on Israel's covenant land. This is indicated in part by the paths of totality of the two eclipses crossing the same area around Carbondale, Illinois and the symbolic nature of the overlap zone which is roughly approximate to the size of Israel along with several other symbolic signs of the 2017 eclipse that indicate a warning not to divide the land of Israel (as described in the 2017 commentary above). It does not necessarily mean a peace deal would happen in 2024. It could be a warning for a later time. We have to continue to watch what develops with the peace process into the future.
Based on the most recent updates here, it would be good to have extra supplies of food, water, and other necessities. Additionally, if more banks collapse, the deposits in those accounts might not be immediately available. So, it is good to consider what alternate payment methods might be available if debit and credit cards might not be working. If there is a major stock market, banking, and dollar collapse, some investors may choose to invest in precious metals like gold and silver, land (but not necessarily real estate), foreign currencies that will hold their value well, or select cryptocurrencies (with many people believing the XRP Ripple cryptocurrency could play a significant role in America if the nation goes into a state of economic transition). It is crucial to pray about your financial decisions during this time period.